Who Experiences Hunger?

Who Experiences Hunger? (adapted from Bread for the World)

Anybody can experience hunger at any time. But certain groups and people living under certain conditions are more at risk of hunger. Here are some groups that most experience hunger—they are broad brush strokes, and not everyone in these categories experience hunger, or experience it to the same degree.

      People in poverty
      Rural communities
      Urban communities

To read more about hunger experienced by these groups, see https://www.bread.org/who-experiences-hunger


Questions about Hunger

  • There are categories listed above that describe some types of people that might be more likely to experience hunger. Can you think of reasons why some of them might be more likely to experience hunger than others?
  • What if someone fits multiple categories—do you think they might face an even harder time securing enough food than other people do? For example, what if you’re a child, in an urban community, whose family lives in economic poverty?


Reflecting on Our Faith

  • Read Acts 2:43-47. What sticks out to you about this description of the earliest Christian church? Do you think this is just a pretty picture, or could it be possible to live in such a way that everyone’s basic needs are met? What do you think our faith says to people who need food and to people who have more than enough?


Eating Mindfully

“The Right Amount” (from How to Eat by Thich Nhat Hanh)

When we take a moment to sit and breathe before we eat, we can get in touch with the real hunger in our body. We can discover if we’re eating because we’re hungry or if we’re eating because it’s the time to eat and the food is there. If we’re paying attention and taking our time, we also know how much to eat. Mindfulness is recognizing what is there in the present moment. What is there is the fact that you are still alive and your health is there. The food in front of you is available to help nourish your body and keep you healthy.