For the month of September—a month many of us associate with busyness and responsibilities picking back up—we invite you to take a few moments each day to focus on peace. When we share Christ’s peace with each other every week, we’re offering one another a gift of presence and hope, and we carry that into the world each week. Why not use this month to channel God’s peace through your prayers and intentions to people and places throughout the world who ache for peace?
You can use whatever words are most comfortable for you, and on the backside of this page are several prayers to reflect on peace in your own life and throughout the world.
Check out our Facebook Page – daily prayer added everyday.
Today, I pray for…
1) Peace and strength for those who experience domestic abuse
2) All efforts to end human trafficking
3) Peace for all students and teachers, and for peace in their schools
4) Peace between Israel and Palestine in Jerusalem
5) Peace and justice in the Republic of Sudan
6) Peace for those affected by mass shootings and gun violence in the US
7) Peace for those affected by gun violence in the greater Milwaukee area
8) Those who work to address gun violence in our community
9) Peace of mind for veterans experiencing PTSD
10) Peace and support for all who consider suicide
11) Peace and support for those currently incarcerated and their families
12) Peace and support for those living with HIV/AIDS in the US and in the world
13) Learning and practicing non-violence, within our homes and our world
14) The end of child soldiers, and an end to all wars
15) Enough food to eat for all, those in Milwaukee and those in the world
16) Peace at our borders and peaceful and humane immigration procedures
17) Peace for our planet and our environment
18) Peace through the dismantling of white supremacy in Milwaukee
19) Peace through the dismantling of white supremacy in the US
20) Peace and support for those with addictions
21) Peace and support for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones
22) Peace in all countries in the Middle East
23) Peaceful encounters around US politics in the coming year
24) Peace and love within our families
25) Peace and support for those suffering from mental illness
26) Peace and respect between different religions in the world
27) Peace and support for those who live on the fringes of society
28) Peace for those suffering within the LGBTQ community
29) Peace and healing for those affected by cancer and other life-threatening diseases
30) Peace in our hearts, minds, and souls to be able to do the work of God