On Being Open and Affirming to LGBTQ+ People

All are welcome at B-B.

Bethel-Bethany became an Open and Affirming congregation in 2011. We believe that all people are created in God’s image, and that God doesn’t make mistakes. We welcome people who identify as LGBTQIA+ to fully participate in our life together, whether as worshipers, leaders, seekers, or activists. We give thanks for the unique gifts and expressions of love embedded within each person who joins us on this journey of life and faith.

Jesus once said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). We believe this points to the deep flourishing God desires for each of us. Gender and sexuality are crucial parts of who we are as human beings. When we can be a community where you can express the fullness of who God has made you, we are all drawn closer to the abundant life God intends for us.

We also know that churches and Christians have caused great harm against LGBTQIA+ people. We hope B-B can be a place where genuine welcome and spiritual healing can take place.