We have Sunday School for children weekly during the calendar school year, with messages, activities, and songs designed to be inclusive and engaging, focusing on the faith formation of children. Middle School Youth meet virtually once a month. Confirmation of young people is scheduled when we have a group ready. We contribute to the formation of the youngest among us through a variety of offerings.
Sunday School
A main point of connection for our youth is Sunday School. We believe in helping kids connect with what we do in worship on Sunday mornings. Children begin in worship and are invited during the sermon to go with their teachers. On Sundays with communion, the teachers come back upstairs so all can participate in communion together. Through activities and projects, with other students and the congregation, they begin to develop their own mission guided faith.
- During the summer, we have a less structured activity time during the sermon.
- We also have done summer Vacation Bible School, focusing on different themes each summer.
- Children participate in telling the Christmas story every year through a play, a Christmas Tableau or a Children’s Christmas Service.
If you have questions about Sunday School or Christian Education and Formation for young people, reach out to [email protected]