
Spiritual Care and Faith Formation

We believe everything is spiritual–whether we’re praying together, eating a meal on our own, marching in a protest, or using our hands in some kind of service. All that we do is undergirded by a deep spiritual conviction that loving God, loving our neighbors, and loving ourselves will always reinforce one another. When we worship, we’re refreshed to go back into the world and engage with full hearts in the work we do. When we show up for the work we’re called into, we experience something sacred that pulls us deeper.


The Christian Education Ministry Team is responsible for organizing and planning the youth and adult educational programming and schedule of the church.


  • Ensure alignment with our educational ministry’s mission with the church’s.

  • Bring the congregation’s vision of Faith Formation to life for adults and youth.

  • Facilitate opportunities for people to learn how to use resources, scriptures, and sermons in order to grow as human beings in their faith and as citizens.

  • Bring young people into the conversation of faith formation.

  • Possess an external focus of how we care for the community which is rooted in inner faith formation.

The programs and activities we do at B-B are meant to nourish our souls in many ways. Find below resources and current offerings you may find helpful.

Education Programs (Children’s Education, Adult Education, Weekly Prayer

Spiritual Resources (prayer guide, food and faith reflection guides)