2025 Church Council
Our church is run by our members, who discuss and vote on all major decisions relating to the life of our church. Throughout the year, members elected to our Church Council ensure we’re faithfully living out our mission to share God’s Love. This group changes as members rotate off and are replaced by others through elections at the January Annual Congregational Meeting.
Our Council meets on the second Thursday of each month. Meetings are open, so if you’re interested in attending a meeting, let us know. If you would like to contact any Council member or Committee Chair, please email the office and your request will be forwarded.
Council/ Executive Committee:
Chris Chance – President, Marsha Poulsen – Vice President, Caryn Redemann – Recording Secretary,
Kevin Wolf – Treasurer (not on council), Jeanne Fehr – Finance Secretary (not on council)
Thomas Derenne, Anwar Jackson, Brian Klabunde, Kassius Whitmore
2025 Church Committees
Our church’s committees include Worship, Christian Education, Evangelism/Mission, Finance, Properties, and Endowment. These committees consist of appointed members and the Pastor and are led by a chair elected by the committee (listed below).
Worship: Anwar Jackson Christian Education: Open
Evangelism/Mission: Karin Haug Properties: Brian Klabunde
Endowment: Val Sauvé Finance: Kevin Wolf